Old news: abandonded dockless vehicles

At the end of my first crit for this project, where I gave an overview of the developing bicycle infrastructure in London, a question from one of the tutors was whether I had seen the terrible pictures of all the abandoned dockless bicycles in Chinese cities? Who hasn't? The media loves a good story especially if it comes with a great picture. Her question was really questioning if we wanted our cities invaded by so many of these vehicles? And my answer was yes, but we obviously need to be mindful not to be too hasty and repeat the patterns in China. However, as soon as I had taken my seat again and the crits rolled onto the next person, I suddenly flipped open my laptop, launched Firefox and began searching for images of 'parked cars' and 'scrap cars'. I then added these extra slides as an appendix to my presentations as a note to self for next time I am asked this question (people love it as much as the media do): If I was quick whipped enough, I ...